Job Title: Roofer
Reference Function
Task Description
Employee must lift existing roofing skins. Requires vertical transferring squares of debris weighing (40 pounds) from (0 inches) to (24 inches + stacking) up to (30 times per hour) for up to (4 hours) in (8.5 hours)
Employee must lift and carry rolls of built-up roofing felts. Requires vertical transfers weighing (45 pounds), from (0 inches) to shoulder up to (10 times per hours).
Employee must carry materials from storage to work location. Common material weights include:
- Bucket of screws = 50 pounds
- 4’ x 8’ (2”) Poly Iso Insulation = 14.8 pounds per sheet
- 4’ x 8’ (1.7”) Poly Iso Insulation = 13.5 pounds per sheet
- Bundle of Shingles = 55 pounds
Employee must lift and carry rolls of built-up roofing felts. Requires vertical transfers weighing (45 pounds), from (0 inches) to shoulder up to (10 times per hours).
Employee must lift and carry rolls of built-up roofing felts. Requires vertical transfers weighing (45 pounds), from (0 inches) to shoulder up to (10 times per hours).
Employee must lift and carry rolls of built-up roofing felts. Requires vertical transfers weighing (45 pounds), from (0 inches) to shoulder up to (10 times per hours).